Do you have a daily EXERCISE routine? For you? For your students?

Hmm.. I can't say that I have a set routine. It depends on what I am working on or what a student needs. But what I come to most, would be De la Sonorite by Marcel Moise, and the Etudes by Kreutzer.

De la Sonorite is often very simple and the important thing is to always be curious. Curious to see what kind of tonal colors you can produce, curious to know what each part of your body is doing, curious to see if you could do more by relaxing more... If you keep the curiosity and inspiration alive, De la Sonorite really is never-ending and it can be so much fun! (Really!)

Etudes by Kreutzer - this is my flute bible! It is a famous etudes written for Violin by Rudolphe Kreutzer in the 18th century, and my teacher and mentor Mr. Paul Meisen published it as a flute etude. Each etude has a specific goal, and you can learn so much about the posture, colors, styles.. It is limitless! It can be a bit difficult to find the music, but looks like you can purchase it through or

can you tell me how to choose a flute?

Nowadays, every flute maker makes wonderful flutes and the amount to choose from, is often overwhelming. There is no right or wrong, and in the end, it comes down to the preference of each player. Following suggestion is for people who are and/or want to play the flute for a long time.

For beginners: Nickel flute or nickel body/silver headjoint, open-hole flute. Now this open-hole part is just my preference, but for me, it is better to get used to it from the beginning. (you can use the plug in the beginning)

For intermediate flutists: Silver, open-hole flute

Anything above intermediate is too difficult to generalize, without knowing the specific player. It all depends on your style and goal.

do you teach beginners?

Yes! My students varies from beginners to professional flutists, from different background, age group and nationalities, and I love teaching them all! All you need is an instrument and the will to be the best you can be! :) 

do you offer online lessons?

Yes, I do! In the world of technology we live in, online lessons have become such an essential tool. Especially since the pandemic, I’ve been teaching online more and more. And through experience, I’ve discovered three significant benefits.

  1. Being able to work together wherever we are in the world.

    As long as we can clear our time differences, we can stay connected and continue our lessons even when I’m traveling for work.

  2. Students can develop a higher sense of “active listening”.

    Because of the limitation in the nuances of sound coming from a small speaker, we naturally try to listen more attentively to catch the subtle difference. And with time, that helps students to become better active listeners, not just for the teacher but for themselves, too.

  3. Students can develop higher skills in analyzing their own habit.

    During the in-person lessons, it’s so easy for me to come to the student to fix the position of the hands, elbows, or the head joint. However, in online lessons, we have to rely on verbal instructions. It can take a bit more time to get it right, but by the time the students get the correct positioning, they have analyzed themselves and actually remember more details.

[Schedule a lesson HERE.]

If you have any questions, feel free to ask via Contact.




そして、私がフルートの聖書のように大切にしているもの、それはクロイツェルのエチュード!もともとはヴァイオリンのために18世紀に作られたこのエチュード。マイゼン先生が十数年前にフルート用に編集されました。一曲ごとにクリアなゴールがあり、エチュードを通して姿勢、音色感、時代にあったスタイル作りなど、学べることは数知れず。ぜひ、挑戦してみてくださいね。クロイツェル-フルートエチュード-パウルマイゼン編-パウル・マイゼン/dp/4115401206 で購入可能です。










  1. 世界のどこにいてもレッスンができる。


  2. より高い『アクティブ・リスニング力』を身につけられる。


  3. より高い分析力を身につけることができる。


